Cleansing... morning, night or both?

1 min read

Should I wash my face in the morning, even though I have cleansed the night before?


A morning cleanse is as important as a night time cleanse to reduce sebum and dirt build up overnight.

Here I am going to run you through a typical skincare routine…remember, the simpler the routine the better (of course, there will be variation in the exact routine you have depending on your skin type and be guided by how your skin looks and feels).

Morning – Cleanse and then treat with a Vitamin C (such as SBTRCT Vitamin C Booster)  as an antioxidant.  Moisturise and add an SPF factor 30-50

Evening - Double cleanse with an oil based cleanser first to remove make-up, oil and dirt (such as SBTRCT MakeUp Melt),  followed by a cleanser (such as SBTRCT Gentle Foaming Cleanser) and an active if needed, like our topical retinoid Rejuvenating Night Balm (vitamin A derivative). Moisturise.

Be mindful that some retinoids can cause irritation so sometimes I recommend starting these active’s slowly for example twice a week and increasing the frequency as tolerated, although SBTRCT Night Cleansing Balm is 2% retinoid is dermatologically tested to be gentle enough to use with more frequency. 

It is also worth mentioning here that any products containing retinoids or derivatives are best avoided in pregnancy or if breast-feeding.